Key Allegro Canal and Property Owners Association
Design Code & Deed Restrictions
The Key Allegro Design Code contains the majority of the information you need when building on the island. However, some restrictions pertaining to construction are housed in the Deed Restrictions. A link to these documents is provided below.
Deed Restrictions for Key Allegro are split up into 5 Units. Depending on your address, each Unit has a unique set of Deed Restrictions. To find where your property resides, please see your property plat or legal description of the property. Example: “Lot 41, Block 16, Key Allegro Islands Unit No. 4, City of Rockport, Aransas County, Texas, according to the Plat thereof recorded in Volume 3, Page 44, Plat Records of Aransas County, Texas, and locally known as 00 Curlew, Rockport, Aransas County, Texas 78382.”
New Construction
When building a new home from the ground up, we ask that you provide a preliminary rough sketch and floorplan of your architectural plans prior to developing a full set of architectural drawings. We find this is very beneficial to owners and allows for an open dialogue regarding any potential variances, design guidelines or necessary style revisions. Please Allow up to 10 days for the ACC review process on all new construction.
Permit process for New Construction is as follows:
Submit the following documentation to the ACC through email to cveatch@spectrumam.com:
Your rough elevations (front and back)
Floorplan, clearly showing elevations and setback measurements
The ACC will review your plans and get back within a timely manner, generally within 10 days.
ACC Approval
Once the ACC has issued an approval to proceed, please move forward to complete a full set of construction drawings/final plans.
Submit final plans along with the KACPOA permit to cveatch@spectrumam.com along with permit fee. Please find the permit form and fee structure below.
Permit process for Roofing & Remodeling is as follows:
Acquire a TWIA or Engineering Certificate on all construction (WPI-1 before construction commences).
Complete a City Permit and WPI-1; submit both to secure the KACPOA permit. Submit both permits and fees to 29 Mazatlán Drive or email to Island Manager, Chris Veatch at cveatch@spectrumam.com.
Remodeling, Additions, Decks & Pools
Please submit for a Key Allegro Canal and Property Owners Association Permit for all remodeling, new builds, additions, decks and pools. Be sure to access a City of Rockport permit prior to the KACPOA permit.
All construction must be permitted with the City of Rockport and with the KACPOA per our Bylaws and Deed Restrictions.
Please send all permits to cveatch@spectrumam.com or bring by the Allegro House located at 29 Mazatlán Drive with all associated fees. Please make all checks payable to KACPOA.
Docks & Piers
Please submit for a Key Allegro Canal and Property Owners Association Permit for all docks and piers.
All construction must be permitted with the City of Rockport and with the KACPOA per our Bylaws and Deed Restrictions.
50% Rule for Remodels
Remodels that exceed 50% of the value of the structure (excluded value of land) are subject to meeting all current codes. This rule impacts electrical, plumbing and ground floor living elevations.
For more information, please call the City of Rockport Building and Development Department at 361-790-1125.
Canal Depth Study
2019 study of canal depths and debris sampling. All indicated hazards to navigation were sounded and removed by Derreck Construction in the same year.
The requirement of owners to maintain their bulkheads has been in existence since the beginning of Key Allegro and it is only in the last ten years that bulkhead conditions have deteriorated to the point the Board must now take a more direct approach with repairs and reconstruction.
To that end, the KACPOA is requiring repairs or replacement to the bulkhead whenever homeowners are undertaking a construction project on all properties .
We encourage working together for a contiguous solution when ever possible with neighboring property owners.
Professional Engineers
The KACPOA will only permit bulkheads and repairs that have been designed by a licensed Professional Engineer.
Permit process for All Bulkheads is as follows:
Engage a licensed Professional Engineer before beginning your project.
Review the Engineering Study from Mott Mac Donald Engineering, attached below to help determine which construction technique best meets your requirements.
Submit your engineered plans along with a KACPOA permit and fee to cveatch@spectrumam.com.
You are welcome to request a site visit in this same submission.
KACPOA Bulkhead Guidelines
We have attached additional resources below to help guide and educate our owners on bulkhead designs, failure causes, guidelines and the need for proper maintenance and repair of all bulkheads.
Please use this study alongside the guidance and knowledge of your licensed Professional Engineer when designing your project.
Projects under $10,000
$50 Fee
Projects over $10,000
$150 Fee for the first $10,000 of construction cost
$2.00 Fee per $1,000 in all additional construction costs thereafter
Variance/Waiver are upon Request and Approval Only
$200 Fee
Please send all permits to cveatch@spectrumam.com or bring by the Allegro House located at 29 Mazatlán Drive with all associated fees. Please make all checks payable to KACPOA.