Frequently Asked Questions

How do I register as a homeowner with Spectrumam.com?
The Board of Directors encourages every homeowner to register on Spectrumam.com. Visit New Owner Page or Island Team Page to find a direct registration button. Once on Spectrumam.com, click HOMEOWNERS button, then CREATE ACCOUNT button; you will be asked to submit your personal information from there. If you need assistance registering, we want you to feel free to contact us for help and support. Email Chris Veatch, Island Manager cveatch@spectrumam.com
What is going on with the marina?
KACPOA does not own the marina. The original developer of Key Allegro Island excluded the marina from KACPOA rules and regulations, therefore we do not have the authority to mandate the activity and/or condition of this property. We do try to keep lines of communication open with the owner for anything we may do to help assist in forward movement. We look forward to future development as the marina has always been a major asset to life on the Island.
How do I get help pulling my trash cans In when I leave?
Are you leaving before trash day or do you just need a little help getting those trash cans pulled back in?? You’re in luck! Call the local Trash Valet today at (970) 596-3776 and arrange for service. More details on the New Owners Page.
What are the amenities for the KACPOA?
We currently have a community pool with ample space for family and friends that sits adjacent to our community clubhouse fondly referred to as the Allegro House, both are located at 29 Mazatlán Drive. Blue Heron Park has been beautifully landscaped and is a splendid place to enjoy some quality family time and bask in our beautiful environment. The park is located on Blue Heron Drive. With stunning sunrises and sunsets, amazing wildlife and the breeze off the ocean you’re sure to see many neighbors walking, biking and moving around the Island taking in the nature we are all so lucky to enjoy on a daily basis here on Key Allegro Island. KACPOA has future plans of expansion with additional amenities. Visit Amenities page for up to date details, pool fob rentals and information on renting the Allegro House for a short meeting or any special occasion.
Who can reserve the Allegro House? - How do I reserve the Allegro House?
The Allegro House is an inviting space and has recently undergone a fresh renovation. It’s the ideal location for many needs, events and special occasions. We encourage all Key Allegro Residents and Non-Residents consider the Allegro House for functions of all types, large and small. We’ve worked to create a tiered rental structure to make the facility open and accessible for hourly meetings, social events and family functions. If you or your organization have the need for a set date and time, on a regular basis, for a function or meeting we encourage you to contact us directly for a more enticing rental structure. We want rentals to be a win- win for all parties involved. Reach out through our contact form on the bottom of each page.
NOTE: KACPOA Homeowner’s financial account must be current on all assessments, fines and fees to rent the Allegro House.
We are excited you chose the Allegro House; visit Amenities page on this site for detailed information and a current rental application.
Can I rent/reserve the community pool?
Unfortunately, at this time the pool is not available to rent or reserve. Your safety is always first and foremost our top priority and the KACPOA does not have a lifeguard on duty to support necessary safety and rental requirements.
How do I access the pool? - Who can access the pool ?
KACPOA community pool is securely gated with a key fob system required for entry. Key fobs may be rented by current homeowners. Refer to Amenities page for pool rules, fob rental requirements and applications. The pool is open year round for your convenience, with exceptions of unsafe weather events, government rulings and required maintenance.
NOTE: KACPOA Homeowner’s financial account must be current on all assessments, fines and fees to rent pool fobs and/or the Allegro House.
How do I know if my bulkhead needs attention?
As a homeowner, you have several options. KACPOA invested with Mott McDonald Engineering Firm to develop an extensive Engineering Study to determine the best solutions and construction techniques for homeowners on the life and/or reconstruction of bulkheads throughout Key Allegro Island. In addition, we have provided a guide source to help support and educate owners on bulkhead designs, failure causes, guidelines and the need to properly maintain and consistently repair all bulkheads.
Visit Construction and Permits page to view these studies with detailed information on KACPOA requirements before starting any construction on your bulkhead.
What are the building restrictions on Key Allegro Island?
Please refer to Construction and Permits page for more detailed information concerning Key Allegro Island building restrictions.
How do I get a KACPOA building permit?
A building permit is required by the City of Rockport and KACPOA before all construction begins. KACPOA Bylaws, Deed Restrictions and Conditions, are an intricate part in protecting property values of each and every homeowner on Key Allegro Island. Refer to Construction and Permits page for permit applications and requirements.
What activity requires a permit on Key Allegro?
Any New Home Construction
Modification, remodeling and/or additions to any existing structure which alters the exterior physical appearance of the structure, including square footage, rooflines, exterior finishes, fences, windows, doors, shutters, awnings, and overhangs.
Any New and/or Replacement Roofing
Any marine construction to include but not limited to, docks, piers, boat/watercraft lifts, tie-off piling, bulkhead caps, etc. at the bulkhead or water side of the property and which may extend into or over the water
What does not require a permit?
Exterior paint
Installation and/or repair of rain gutters
Replacement of window glazing
Replacing railing, deck boards and stairwells on porches
What are current assessments (dues) for the KACPOA?
Category A: Assessment amount for owners on a canal is $515.91
Category B: Assessment amount for owners not on a canal is $391.29
Category C: Assessment amount for all condominium owners on Key Allegro Island is $195.64
NOTE: Each condominium complex on Key Allegro Island is a part of the Key Allegro Canal and Property Owners Association. Additionally, Condominium Complexes on the Island maintain their own association with assessments, rules and regulations separate from the KACPOA
NOTE: The Only Exception to these three categories is if a property consists of more than one lot or a portion of another lot that is not platted together
When are my assessments (dues) due?
Key Allegro Canal and Property Owners Association assessments are billed annually and due January 1st.
How do I pay my assessment (dues)?
Visit www.Spectrumam.com to pay all assessments. Login as a HOMEOWNER with your private passcode, then go to PAY ASSESSMENTS. Access Spectrum from our New Homeowners page or Island Team page. KACPOA financials are located on Spectrumam.com to secure and protect homeowners and HOA financial data. If you have additional questions or need further assistance, please visit our contact button at the bottom of each page.
If I own more than one adjoining lot or an additional portion of an adjacent lot, am I assessed multiple assessments?
KACPOA considers multiple lots which are contiguous and platted together to be one property and are assessed as one property. Currently, not all contiguous lots on Key Allegro Island are platted together. If you own more than one property that is not contiguous, each property is billed with a separate assessment.
If I own a vacant lot, are my assessments (dues) less than if I had a home on the property?
KACPOA does not distinguish between a vacant lot or a lot with a structure on it. KACPOA has three assessment Categories (A,B and C) which can be found listed directly above.
If I own a condominium, am I a part of the KACPOA and do I owe assessments (dues)?
Yes and Yes, there are multiple Condominium Complexes on Key Allegro Island and each has its own Owners Association with fee, rules and regulations. All condominiums on the island are part of KACPOA. As a condominium owner on Key Allegro you are a member of two owner’s associations and are governed and assessed by both. KACPOA assessments for condominium owners are considered Category C. KACPOA encourages you to contact your Condominium Association to determine your full assessment obligation.
Where can I find the governing documents for the KACPOA?
All documents are stored on Spectrumam.com, our Association Management Company’s site for safety and security. As a current homeowner we encourage you to register at www.Spectrumam.com to gain access to all forms, documents and financials. You can register through New Homeowner page or Island Team page on this site. Once you have registered as a current homeowner on Spectrumam.com, visit HOMEOWNERS Tab, DOCUMENTS tab then GOVERNING DOCUMENTS Folder.
When are KACPOA Board of Director meetings?
KACPOA Board of Directors meet every other month on the third Monday of each month at 8:30 a.m. in the Allegro House. KACPOA holds an Annual Homeowners Meeting the last Saturday in February to share financial data, an overview of current and completed projects and a summary for long-range strategical planning and community growth. In addition, we take this opportunity to fill any open seats for the Board of Directors through a membership vote for new board members or existing members running on a second term. We invite the membership to stay after the meeting for a relaxed social gathering and an opportunity to meet your neighbors.
Who can attend KACPOA Board of Directors meetings?
Key Allegro Canal and Property Owners Board of Director meetings are open to current KACPOA members and members of Spectrum Association Management Team only to protect all association financial data. KACPOA Board invites every homeowner to attend all meetings and encourages you to be proactively involved. Board of Directors meeting dates are listed on Events page.
What is an executive session at KACPOA Board meetings?
Executive Session is held directly after each KACPOA Board of Directors Meeting. This extended meeting is held in closed session limited only to KACPOA Board of Directors and Spectrum Association Management Team. These meetings are closed in order to discuss sensitive issues and to insure protection and privacy of all our owners and neighbors.
How do I Contact KACPOA Board of Directors?
Board of Directors for Key Allegro Canal and Property Owners Association are listed on www.Spectrumam.com and www.KeyallegroIsland.com, under Island Team page. The Board of Directors for KACPOA employ Spectrum Association Management to handle all day to day operations. Island Manager, Chris Veatch maintains an office at 29 Mazatlán Drive and can be contacted at cveatch@spectrumam.com. If you would like to speak privately to the Board, you are welcome to communicate this request through Chris Veatch to reserve time during executive session directly after the next Board of Directors meeting. We respectfully ask you submit your request two weeks prior to the meeting to insure you are added to the agenda and given suitable time to address the Board with your concerns.
What if I want to speak to KACPOA Board of Directors privately?
Board of Director’s protocol prohibits discussion of private matters relating to property owner’s concerns to be discussed in a regular board meeting. A KACPOA member may request a private meeting with the Board of Directors through the island manager, Chris Veatch at cveatch@spectrumam.com. KACPOA Board of Directors does their best to be respectful of everyone’s time keeping meetings as short as possible with a structured agenda, running each meeting to be constructive and productive. We respectfully ask you to submit your request two weeks prior to the meeting to insure you are added to the agenda and given suitable time to address the board with your concerns.
How do I file a complaint or ask a question?
We work towards building a true sense of community for each neighbor on Key Allegro. If you would like to communicate with us, submit your contact information and concern through the contact form at the bottom of each page.
Some items are not in the control of KACPOA such as loud music, suspicious behavior, crime and aggressive drivers. Contact the Rockport Police Department’s non-emergency number at 361-729-1111. In addition, our streets, streetlights, and drains are maintained by the City of Rockport. If you see something needs attention, KACPOA and the City of Rockport welcome this information. Visit the Rockport page, then Fix-It Form in the middle of the page. This communication is a direct link to the City of Rockport. For all true Emergencies, call 911 immediately.
Why does KACPOA have two websites?
www.KeyAllegroIsland.com is for general informational purposes and a visual insight to the Island, its history and our door to door community. Our objective is to place valuable resources in the hands of new and existing neighbors in one convenient location. We continue to listen to our neighbors and work to improve communications and community.
www.Spectrumam.com is guided and maintained by our HOA management company with a required password accessible only by current homeowners to protect personal data, our governing documents and historical financials. We ask all homeowners to register on www.Spectrumam.com and take the time to explore both sites and all they offer. All KACPOA documents, forms and financials are stored here. Homeowners are able to pay their assessments, any additional fees and receive notifications for all HOA/BOD meetings, in addition to community updates and critical notices.