Rockport - Fulton in Aransas County

During an emergency, extended utility outage, street closure, or other issues of public concern, the City of Rockport may utilize the CodeRED Emergency Notification System to rapidly inform citizens.
City of Rockport Services
City Utilities
The City of Rockport provides water, sewer, natural gas, garbage and recycling services. Set up services in person at City Hall or the button below. For additional information, call (361) 729-2213, Ext. 234
Key Allegro Island garbage & recycling schedule is available through the link below. If garbage pickup is on a scheduled holiday, it will be picked up the next regular pickup date.
-Put the trash bin by the curb with the bar facing out and the wheels on the curb.
-The city requires lids to close completely to be emptied. This helps eliminate unwanted debris from being released on the island streets or in our bay waters.
-Only trash from within City-provided bins will be picked up. Additional bins are available upon request from the city.
Trash Valet
Do you need help pulling in those trash cans??
Both the KACPOA, and the KACPOA Board of Directors, have a policy of not endorsing service companies on Key Allegro, but if we can provide information which may be helpful to our homeowners, we make an effort to do so.
Local valet removes your trash bins(s) from the curb after city service day each Tuesday morning.
Island Time Concierge - Kathy Helgenberger at 970.596.3776
Rockport Fix It Form
Welcome to the City of Rockport's online Fix It form. This form will generate an automatic email to the appropriate City of Rockport staff member who will contact you within three business days.
Police & Medical Emergencies
Note the Fix It Form is NOT designed or intended to be used for issues requiring an emergency response. For Police Emergencies or Medical Needs, Immediately Dial 911.
If you are experiencing a street blockage, water main leak, sewer main stoppage, or natural gas leak during regular business hours of 7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Monday-Friday, call (361) 790-1160. After regular business hours and on holidays, call (361) 729-1111.
Call Before You Dig! When doing projects around your house, digging without knowing where underground utility lines are buried can be very risky. Don't risk harming yourself, your family or your neighbors.
Find Yourself In Rockport
The Rockport-Fulton Chamber of Commerce has created an official GeoTour. For beachcombing, fishing, art, fun, birdwatching, kayaking, museums, history, seafood and more! More than 40 geocaches and bonus geocaches have been hidden in special places throughout the Rockport-Fulton area.
City Building Permits
Notice on Fees – Governor Abbott signed H.B. 852, which does not allow a municipality to consider the value of the dwelling or the cost of construction on improving the dwelling when determining the cost of a permit. These are the dominant methods used by cities, including Rockport, to calculate building permit fees.
Due to a high volume of inspection requests, the City of Rockport Building Department is changing its deadline for inspections.
Schedule an inspection by calling the City Building Inspection Department’s 24-hour Inspection Request Line, (361) 790-1177
Register Your Home Alarms
Help the Rockport Police Department protect our homes and register your alarm system with currect contact information. City code on alarm systems below.

All True Emergencies Should Be Reported By Calling 911
For all Emergencies, Suspicious Behavior and Criminal Activity contact 911 immediately. Aransas County will dispatch the necessary emergency response team(s), including Fire District, Sheriff’s Department and Ambulance District.
For all other incidents i.e., Trespassing, Loud Noise and Aggressive Drivers contact the City of Rockport’s Non-Emergency number at
(361) 729-1111.

Spectrum Account Management is the HOA management company for the Key Allegro Canal and Property Owners Association.
As a KACPOA homeowner registering, you will be able to access your full account information, see account balances, pay dues, review all HOA documents and more.